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Friday 26 October 2012

Information on Islam For Non Muslims part 5

DIVQ 6: How will the mankind cross over "Siraat"?
A. All humanbeings will cross over "Siraat" in different ways according to their deeds. Some will cross it like lightning, some like blowing of wind, some will cross it like a bird's flight, some like running of a horse, some will run and walk, some will crawl and even some will move like ant.

Q 7: What is "Haud-e-Kauser"?
A. "Haud-e-Kauser" (an exclusive heavenly pond) is a great favour and grace of Allah Almighty in the fearful distress of the Doomsday which He has gifted to our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him). The distance between the two banks of Haud-e-Kauser is equal to a journey of one month. There are pearls and jewels-studded domes on its sides. Its earth is of musk. Its water is whiter than the milk, sweeter than the honey and purer than the musk. Its pots are more in number than the stars in the sky. The believer who once drank its water would never be thirsty. Muslim Ummah will be satiated with its unique water by the Holy Prophet. May Allah also grace us with this favour! Aameen.

Q 8: Where will humankind go after completion of all these stages?
A. Believers will go to paradise and infidels to hell. Allah Almighty has made a beautiful place to reward the believers which is equipped with such kinds of corporal and spiritual bliss and felicity that can not be imagined even by the kings and emperors of the world. This place of felicity is called "Jannat" or "Bahisht" (Paradise). Likewise, there is a dreadful place to chastise and torment sinners and infidels which is full of such types of torment that one is shuddered with horrors to think of it. However, the sinful believers who had recited "Kalimah" (the holy code) sincerely will at last be taken out of hell either on completion of the term of their punishment or by the intercession of Prophets, Angels and saints or by the grace of the Merciful of merciful (Allah Almighty) leaving there only infidels and unbelievers and then its mouth will be sealed. The faces of the dwellers of Paradise will look bright and fresh and of the inmates of hell will be black and nasty and their eyes blue. The paradise and hell which were created millions of years back are extant.

Q 9: What is "A'raaf'?
A. There is a transparent wall or a veil between the paradise and hell which will prevent the boons and bounties of paradise from reaching the hell and the afflictions and torments of hell from reaching the paradise. The place over this transparent wall or veil is called "A'raaf1 (heights). It is reported by a number of righteous servants of Allah Almighty that the people of "A'raaf would be those ones whose virtuous and sins would be equal. Seeing the dwellers of paradise, they will greet them and yearn for heavens. At last they will be admitted into paradise.

Q10. How will the Muslim Ummah be identified on the Doomsday?
A. It will be dark when people will proceed to "Siraat" from the field of "Hashr". The light of faith and good deeds which the humanbeings will possess corresponding to the degree of their faith and actions will lead them to paradise. The light of Muslim Ummah will be brighter than that of the other Prophets' communities by dint of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said to this effect that my Ummah will be summoned on the Doomsday in such, a state that their faces, hands and feet will shine by the traces of ablution. So shine them more if one could i.e. perform ablution well.

Q11: What will happen after admittance into paradise and casting into hell?
A. After admittance of all believers into paradise leaving only those in hell (destined to live there permanently), the death will be brought in the shape of a ram and stood in between the paradise and hell. A proclaimer will call the dwellers of paradise who will peep through and fearing that they might be taken out of it and the inmates of hell will peep through hoping that they may be relieved of the torment, and ask about the ram who will identify it as "death". It will be slaughtered and proclaimed that the death is no more there. The dwellers of paradise will abide permanently in the place of bliss and felicity and the inmates of hell will live in hell for ever.

At this juncture, the paradise dwellers will rejoice immensely and the hell's inmates will be stricken by profound grief and sorrow.

"Nasaa Lul-Laahal 'Afwa wal 'Aafiyah Fiddeeni wad Dunyaa wal Aakhirah" (we beg forgiveness of Allah and seek refuge with Him and protection against every misfortune, calamity for our good in religion, this world and the next world).

Q12: Why will there be the vision of Allah in the next world?
A. It is definite that every Sunni Muslim will have "Deedar" (Splendid Sight,Vision) of Allah Almighty. However, it is inexplicable as to how will they see Him. The thing which is seen is situated at a distance and to a specific direction, far or near, above or below, right or left and in front or back, but Allah Almighty is pure and free from all such things. Then "how will that be?" Be clear! there is no room for ifs and buts in it. It is certain and sure. We all will, by the grace of Allah Almighty, have His Vision. Even the eye sight can not see or comprehend "His Sight", for, only that thing can be seen or comprehended which has limits and directions whereas Allah Almighty is purely free from these things.

This is the creed of Ahle Sunnat but some misguided sects like "Mo'tazilah" (non-conformists, dissenters) failed to differentiate between "Idraak" (comprehension) and "Roiyat" (Sighting) and declared that Allah's vision is impossible ignoring the established facts that when Allah can be known and His Existence acknowledged sans physical entity and directions then He can also be seen likewise.

In brief, Ahle Sunnat have an unwavering belief about "Deedar" (vision) of Allah Almighty in the next world which is borne out by Quran-o-Hadees, Ijma and myriad of cogent arguments of Muslim scholars. Had it been impossible, Prophet Moses would not have wished to see Allah nor Allah Almighty would have said to him "Inistaqarra Makaanahoo Fasaufa Taraani" (if it [mountain] remains standing at its place then soon you will see Me). A number of Ahaadees prove that Allah Almighty will manifest Himself in a garden of Paradise where tables and chairs made of light, jewels, ruby, jasper, topaz, gold and silver will be set for the dwellers of paradise. Even the lower grade dwellers will sit on the mounds of musk and camphor. Nevertheless, nobody will consider himself inferior to those sitting on heavenly chairs. Allah's Deedar to the believers will be as clear as the sun and the full moon. Allah will manifest Himself to every Paradise dweller who will see Him without any difficulty or hindrance. The chosen servants of Allah Almighty will be graced with His "Splendid Sight" every morning and evening. First of all the Holy prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) will have Allah's Vision which is the supreme and greatest favour in paradise. The dwellers of paradise who once had Allah's Deedar would never forget it and be absorbed in the Splendid Sight for ever.

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